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Cluster Chord 3

One of a series.

A cluster chord is one where  multiple notes, usually adjacent,  are sounded.  For example, If you play the piano with a fist, you would create a cluster chord.

Clustering consonant and dissonant  notes together has the same effect visually as it does musically. Of the many musical themes I have painted, this is the most synchronous with its musical inspiration. The individual tones are predictable, but the overall harmonic effect is not apparent until the full chord sounds.

I loved the out of focus effect of this digital brush.

Inspired by this series, I have rendered a series of Cluster Chords, all 18×24,  onto canvas.  (as of this writing, the painted versions are not yet posted on the website). I plan to revisit this theme , using it to explore different painting techniques and color combinations.


  1. Logan says:

    there were some funny videos … thkans for sharing!! BTW, I have a clever one about Spirit and Oppotunity on Mars that I will post soon … thought of you when I found it! Will let you in on it when I do write about it!

  2. Alamutu says:

    Love the Mona Lisa portrait benhid the chair swing. So cool! Hope you and your lovely readers will stop by and enter my Novica giveaway for a $50 gift certificate!

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